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Company Story
At the heart of every historical structure lies a story, a legacy that has weathered the tests of time. At SANDERS OÜ, we are not just builders; we are the custodians of these stories. Our mission is to breathe new life into the old, to restore the beauty and integrity of historical log structures, roofing, and facades, ensuring they stand proud for generations to come.
With a deep respect for traditional craftsmanship, our team of experts specializes in the renovation of old log houses, preserving the authenticity and charm that make these buildings so unique. We understand that a roof is not just a shelter but a crown that protects and defines the character of a home. Our roofing solutions blend seamlessly with the original architecture, using materials and techniques that honor the past while embracing the future.
Our work with facades is more than just surface deep. We meticulously restore the exterior of your building to reflect its historical significance and aesthetic value, all while ensuring it meets modern standards of durability and energy efficiency. From general construction work to specialized restoration projects, we are committed to excellence in every hammer stroke and brush stroke.
Embracing our slogan, 'Restoring the Past, Building the Future!', we invite you to join us in this journey of transformation. Let us turn your vision into reality, ensuring that the spaces we rejuvenate today become the heritage sites of tomorrow. Trust in SANDERS OÜ to safeguard your piece of history.
Discover the enduring beauty of our work. Explore our portfolio and see for yourself how we merge tradition with innovation to create timeless masterpieces. For a consultation or to learn more about our services, reach out to us. Together, let's continue the story of your historic property, crafting a future as rich and enduring as its past.
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Company customer opinions
Olen olnud väga rahul Sanders OÜ remondi- ja renoveerimistöödega. Nad on suurepärased ja abivalmid. Tööde kvaliteet on alati väga hea.
Sanders OÜ on minu eramu renoveerimise töödega üle ootuste head. Suurepärane töö ja professionaalne suhtumine. Soovitan neid kindlasti teistele.
Tänan Sanders OÜ meie katuse ümberkujundamise eest. Nad on tõelised professionaalid ja loovad kunstiteoseid. Soovitan!
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