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Company Story
Welcome to RAPLA SÕIDUÕPE OÜ, where your journey to becoming a skilled and confident driver begins. Our comprehensive suite of autokooli kursused is meticulously designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and experience you need to navigate the roads safely and with ease.
Our B-kategooria courses are the cornerstone of our offerings, providing new drivers with a solid foundation in vehicle operation and road safety. We understand that driving conditions can vary greatly, which is why we offer specialized training such as Pimeda aja sõit (first stage dark time ride) and Libedasõidu riskivältimise koolitus (slippery driving), ensuring that you're prepared for any situation.
At RAPLA SÕIDUÕPE OÜ, we believe in personalized attention. Our Individuaalõpe (individual training) is tailored to meet your unique learning style and pace, making the process of learning to drive a personal and enjoyable experience. We also recognize the importance of being prepared for emergencies, which is why our Esmaabikoolitus (first aid training) is an integral part of our curriculum.
For those looking to refine their skills further, we offer Jätkuõpe (continuing education) and Lõppastmekoolitus (final stage training), ensuring that your driving abilities continue to evolve long after you've earned your license.
Our dedicated team of experienced instructors, state-of-the-art vehicles, and a commitment to excellence set us apart. We're not just teaching you to drive; we're guiding you towards a lifetime of safe and responsible driving. Join us at RAPLA SÕIDUÕPE OÜ, and take the first step on the road to driving mastery.
For more information or to register for our courses, please contact us at raplasoiduope@gmail.com or call us at +372 5208 107 or +372 5348 0370. Let's drive towards success together!
Company customer opinions
Soovitan kindlasti kõigile, kes soovivad kiiret ja tõhusat juhilubade saamist!
Tundsin end pärast kursuse lõppu palju enesekindlamalt liikluses.
Tundsin end alati turvaliselt ja toetatuna õppetundide ajal.
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