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's activity report 2022

OÜ Forexton Ehitus, a construction company based in Estonia, was established in the year 2021. The company's operations began towards the end of the year, marking the start of its journey in the construction industry. Despite being a newcomer, the company showed promising growth and potential, which was reflected in its activities and financial performance in the following year.

In 2022, OÜ Forexton Ehitus expanded its operations, a strategic move that was aimed at increasing its market presence and enhancing its service delivery. This expansion was not just in terms of the services offered, but also in the company's workforce. The company hired new employees to support its growing operations, a clear indication of its commitment to providing quality services and meeting the demands of its clients.

The company's financial performance in 2022 was impressive, especially considering it was only its first full year of operation. The turnover for the year was 107,394 euros, a figure that speaks volumes about the company's ability to generate revenue despite the competitive nature of the construction industry. The year ended with a profit of 2,712 euros, a testament to the company's effective cost management strategies and its ability to turn a profit.

The average number of employees in the company during the year was four, with an annual salary of 50,711 euros. This shows that the company not only values its employees but also compensates them fairly, which is crucial in attracting and retaining skilled workers in the industry.

As of now, OÜ Forexton Ehitus is still operational and continues to make strides in the construction industry. The company's journey so far is a story of resilience, strategic planning, and effective execution. It is a company that has shown that it is possible to start small, grow steadily, and make a mark in a competitive industry. The future looks bright for OÜ Forexton Ehitus, and it will be interesting to see what the coming years hold for this promising company.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Jüri K.

Nende oskus tähelepanu pöörata pisidetailidele oli muljetavaldav ning tapeetimis-, pahteldus- ja maalritööd olid suurepärase kvaliteediga. Soovitan neid kõigile, kes otsivad usaldusväärset ja professionaalset partnerit oma siseviimistlusprojektidele.

- Mart I.

Minu eramu siseviimistluse eest hoolitses FOREXTON EHITUS OÜ. Nende töö oli väga korralik ja täpne, ning maalri- ja krohvitööd on olnud vastupidavad ning ajahambale väga hästi vastu pidanud.

- Laur H.

Krohvimis- ja tapeetimistööd on viimistletud suure pühendumuse ja kvaliteediga. Nende laitmatu töö ja erakordne pühendumus detailidele on mind tõesti üllatanud.


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