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OIU VESKI HALDUS OÜ hetkeolukord
Already 430 people have seen this company's branding but they do not have any followers.In average the company has been rated 4.3 points but has not been commented.
's activity report 2022
Oiu Veski Haldus OÜ is a business entity established in 2021, whose main activity is real estate development and sales.
The company's sales revenue for the financial year was 3027 thousand euros and net profit 320 thousand euros.
In the reporting year, 100% of the real estate owning company LPS OÜ was acquired, which after acquisition was merged with Oiu Veski
Haldus OÜ. The purpose of the transaction was to acquire real estate and no other business activities were associated with the acquisition. Also, during the reporting period, 100% of the shares of the company Aia 10a Invest OÜ were acquired from the owner for 0 euros.
The board of Oiu Veski Haldus OÜ consisted of 1 member during the financial year. The board members were paid 18 300 euros in fees.
The main goal of Oiu Veski Haldus OÜ for the next financial year is to continue in the same direction.
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