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MAJAPESU is the cleaning of the exterior of homes, including guttering, facades and roofs, to restore their beauty and protect the structure of the home.
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- Silja K.

Olen äärmiselt rahul Majapesu pakutava katuse pesuteenusega. Nende meeskond kasutas õiget puhastusmeetodit ja tulemus oli muljetavaldav. Soovitan neid kindlasti teistele!

- Merle I.

Suurepärane teenindus ja kvaliteetne töö vihmaveerennide puhastamisel. Majapesu meeskond oli sõbralik ja professionaalne ning nad tagasid, et kogu protsess sujus sujuvalt. Soovitan neid kindlasti!

- Karl I.

Nende meeskond kasutas õiget puhastusmeetodit ja tulemus oli muljetavaldav. Soovitan neid kindlasti teistele!

MAJAPESU OÜ - Expert on beauty and protection of Your home

Home is our safe haven, where we always want to feel comfortable and well. One of the key elements of a home\'s wellbeing and attractiveness is regular maintenance and cleaning. A home needs to be thoroughly cleaned and maintained from time to time to keep it sparkling and looking its best. This is where a professional service provider like MAJAPESU OÜ comes in. MAJAPESU is a trusted company that specialises in cleaning the exterior of homes. Their services include gutter cleaning, façade washing and roof washing. We offer a high level of service that aims to not only restore the exterior of


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