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Company Story
At Mimpi Experience OÜ, we believe that the true essence of a holiday lies in the seamless blend of comfort and nature's tranquility. Our Mimpi Mirror House is not just another retreat; it's a meticulously crafted sanctuary where every detail is designed to offer you an uncompromising holiday experience.
Imagine a place where the enchantment of nature meets the pinnacle of engineering artistry. A place where 42 individuals have dedicated approximately 1950 hours to bring you an experience that will make you say 'wow!'. From a fully equipped kitchen to strategically placed power outlets on the terrace, from a sauna infused with salt, anger, and aroma to the warmth of a home away from home, we have thought of everything to make your stay unforgettable.
Our Mimpi Mirror House offers you the Freedom of Choice. We understand that everyone's ideal vacation is unique. That's why we give you the option to tailor your stay to your liking. Not into saunas or grills? Simply opt-out. Bringing a baby along? We've got you covered with Babybjörn, a milk machine, and a cradle. It's all about creating the perfect holiday for you, so you can truly say 'wow!'.
Our Packages
- Convenience: Self check-in and check-out with the possibility of early notification if the house is ready sooner.
- Parking Right at Your Doorstep: Easy access parking just a few meters from your holiday home.
- Stay Connected: Enjoy the serenity of nature without losing touch, thanks to Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity.
- Thoughtful Amenities: Power outlets where you need them, even on the terrace, and user manuals for every appliance and feature.
- Outdoor Lighting: Programmed timers and motion sensors with a master switch to turn everything off.
- Home Warmth: Underfloor heating and an air-filtering heat pump, complemented by the cozy glow of candles.
- Pristine Cleanliness: Our housekeeper Kaja ensures the highest cleaning standards, following a thorough 12-page guideline.
- Fresh Air: Powerful heat recovery ventilation systems for a breath of fresh air.
Whether you're seeking a fully equipped holiday home, a private sauna, an office in nature, exquisite catering, or an exhilarating ski experience, Mimpi Experience OÜ is your gateway to an extraordinary escape. Embrace the magic of a holiday where every moment is a reflection of perfection.
Company customer opinions
Imeline peatuskoht! Puhas, hubane ja kõik vajalik käe-jala ulatuses.
Hidden gem! Every detail is made with perfection: kitchen equipment, bed, essential oils&viht in sauna.
Looduslähedus, vaikus ja imeline vaade – täiuslik puhkus!
Väga mõnus ja nauditav olemine. Kõik vajalik olemas. Metsalinnud ja loomad on boonus, kui rahulikult jälgida.
Väga mõnus koht, kus puhata, grillida, nautida loodust. Saun oli super!
Väga mõnus koht, kus puhata! Soovitan kõigile, kes igatsevad maal elamise hääli ja õhkkonda!
Väike armas kohake. Soovitan minna sauna.
Suurepärane, ilus ning vaikne koht, et võta aeg maha ja lõõgastuda :) Kiidan heaks!
Väga mõnus kohake linnakärast eemale saamiseks. Tuba on väga hubane ja modernne ning saun mõnusalt kuum. Ahju olid juba puud ja süütematerjal valmis pandud ehk tule süütamisega probleeme ei teki. ;) Toast sai sauna temperatuuri jälgida, mis tegi õhtu nautimise mõnusamaks. Toas oli kõik vajalik olemas nii söögitegemiseks kui ka jookide nautimiseks. Hommikul käis rähn külas, väga lahe oli teda nii lähedat näha. Tuleme kindlasti tagasi. :)
Väga äge koht! Kõik on põhjalikult läbi mõeldud võõrustajate poolt ja mõnus koht. Saun ka super. Aitäh!
Suurepärane hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe, eriti võrreldes teiste sarnase kontseptsiooniga majutuskohtadega.
Läbimõeldud detailid nii interjööris kui ka armsas teeninduses.
Maja oli mõne elumaja lähedal, kuid ümberringi oli vaikne ja ilus vaade loodusele.
Meile meeldis see kogemus ja läheme kindlasti tagasi.
Ãœks parimaid majutuskohemusi mis mul kunagi olnud on. Soovitan kindlasti
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