Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Jan Kristian Zimmermann

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Commercial equipment and consumables, Equipment, the Food Industry, machinery and equipment for the food industry, Equipment and materials for the food industry, Equipment for catering establishments, catering supplies, furnishings of catering establishments, technological lines, technological equipment

SVEBA-DAHLEN BALTIC OÜ's activity report 2022

Sveba-Dahlen Baltic OÜ was established in 1999. The past fiscal year was the company's twenty-second full year of operation. The company is part of the Swedish group Sveba-Dahlen Group AB, which in turn is owned by the US listed company The Middleby Corporation. The company has two main lines of business - the production of food industry equipment for Sveba-Dahlen Group AB group companies and the sale and maintenance of equipment in the Baltic countries. The main technological operations of the production department are bending, welding, grinding, electrical installation and assembly. In

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