Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Vytautas Čekanavičius

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
airport and company service, Aviation, transport and courier services, Liquid fuel, Sale of fuel

BALTIC GROUND SERVICES EE OÜ's activity report 2022

The main activity of Baltic Ground Services EE OÜ is to provide refueling services at Tallinn Airport. The company's sales revenue increased by 107% compared to the previous year, from 5,748,538 euros in 2021 to 11,883,772 euros in 2022. This was influenced by both partial market recovery and the rise in fuel market prices. The company incurred a loss of 67,072 euros in 2022 (in 2021, the net profit was 81,016 euros). The company's economic activity was still affected by both the global spread of COVID 19 and the war in Ukraine, which affected some flight routes, reducing the need for

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