Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Paavo Juhani Kuusela

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
natural products, Maidla Production, Anesthetics, Skeletal muscle system medicinal products, Drugs for the nervous system, Medical devices, Medicinal products for the nervous system and sensory organs, shops and wholesale trade

LOODUSTOODE OÜ's activity report 2022

OÜ Natural Product started its operations in 1992 and its main activity has been the wholesale of natural products (food supplements), medicines (mainly over-the-counter), pharmacy cosmetics and other pharmacy goods throughout its operation. In the reporting year, OÜ Natural Product's net turnover increased by 357619 euros (5043395 euros) compared to the previous year (4685776 euros). Net profit decreased by 16404 euros (respectively 249064 and 265468 euros) compared to the previous year. The costs that increased the most compared to the previous year were rent costs (8492 euros),

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