Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Riho Räbbin

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
hüdrotehnilised tööd, ehitusjärelevalve teenused, ehitus, ehitamine, ehitus ja kinnisvara, ehitus- ja kinnisvarateenused, ehitusfirmad


There is a SOB STORY on the profile of this company - meaning that the Creditor is upset and crying. 😢 ATTENTION! Inforegister recommends NOT co-operating with HYDROSERVICE OÜ  as it is an uncooperative company that ignores its obligations as well as the Creditor''s best efforts of making contact. The damage to the Creditors is 787.31 EUR as it stands. At the moment of debt incurrence, the company HYDROSERVICE OÜ was led by R. R. , who started in entrepreneurship in the field of activity: Management of buildings and rental houses (apartment associations, housing

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