Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Heli Luhtmaa

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
category b passenger car, motorcycle licence category a, passenger car and motorbike, final level training, continuing education, first aid, driver training, motorcycle driver course, categories b and a simultaneously, rigor training

RAPLA AUTOKOOL OÜ's activity report 2022

The main activity of Rapla Autokool OÜ is motor vehicle driver training - driving instruction (EMTAK 85531) in 2022. The sales revenue of the company Rapla Autokool amounted to 95035 euros (2021: 88214 euros) The company's loss amounted to 1696 euros (2021:1382 euros). The balance sheet total is 34283 euros (2021:39874 euros) In the financial year, 1 worker worked in the company Rapla Autokool, - labor costs amounting to 16529 euros. The board member's fee paid 7200 euros (included in labor costs) The main activity of the company Rapla Autokool continues to be motor vehicle driver training

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