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Ports, transport and courier services

PÄRNU SADAM AS's activity report 2022

AS Pärnu Sadam provides port and stevedoring services at the Pärnu river port for AS Pärnu Sadam and AS Pärnu Shipyard at the quays and stevedoring services for OÜ Pärnu Stevedores at the quays and warehouse services for AS Pärnu Sadam and OÜ Pärnu Stevedores at the quays and properties. In addition, tug services are provided. In 2022, Pärnu Sadam was visited by 406 ships and the cargo turnover was 1.7 million tons, in 2021 Pärnu Sadam was visited by 457 ships and the cargo turnover was 1.8 million tons. The vast majority of cargo flow consisted of roundwood and wood products, exportable

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