Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Kuno Lahesoo

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Liquid fuel, Sale of fuel

DUVE AS's activity report 2022

AS Duve was established in 1993, the main activity is the retail and wholesale of liquid fuels and the provision of road transport services. AS Duve also deals with car repair and spare parts sales to a small extent. In 2022, AS Duve's sales revenue was 6,159,361 euros, which has increased by 1,989,638 euros compared to 2021. Most of this has occurred in fuel sales, which is due to price increases. 80.61% of sales revenue is made up of goods and fuel sales, 19.17% is goods transportation, and 0.22% is other income. In 2022, 2 new cars were purchased for internal use and 1 trailer was sold.

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