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Maria Shuktomov

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
luxury wardrobe design, sliding doors, custom kitchen furniture, quartz stone surfaces, Custom wardrobes design, personalized storage solutions, designer vanity units, melamine fronts, environmentally friendly bathroom solutions, interior design solutions

Maximizing your space with corner cabinet mechanisms

Corner cabinets are a staple in kitchen design, offering a way to maximize storage in a typically underutilized space. However, without the right mechanisms, these corner spaces can become black holes where items are difficult to reach and easy to forget. This post explores the innovative solutions that transform corner cabinets into functional, accessible storage areas. Corner cabinets pose a unique challenge in kitchen design. Their deep recesses can make it hard to access items, leading to wasted space and frustration. Traditional shelving often falls short in providing an efficient


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The beauty of ceramic worktops in modern design

Ceramic worktops, a marvel of engineering and design, are crafted from durable and refined materials. Composed of natural clay, feldspar, and quartz, these surf
Ceramic worktops, a marvel of engineering and design, are crafted from durable and refined materials. Composed of natural clay, feldspar, and quartz, these surfaces are fired at high temperatures to create a dense, non-porous finish that stands the test of time. The use of ceramics in home design dates back millennia, but it's the modern advancements in technology that have elevated ceramic worktops to a staple in contemporary kitchens and bathrooms. Today's ceramic surfaces offer unparalleled durability and aesthetic flexibility, making them a top choice for discerning homeowners and

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