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Marius Reose

Business media and news feed
transport of materials, soil, Sand, stormwater systems, Bulk materials, Sale of building materials, excavation of recesses, preparation of land, Plumbing, pipe installation

MR RASKETEHNIKA OÜ's activity report 2022

MR Rasketehnika OÜ, an Estonian private capital-based company established on May 30, 2012, has been making significant strides in the field of transportation services. Since 2021, the company has expanded its operations to include excavation work, providing services to both individuals and business entities. In 2022, the company experienced a significant increase in its turnover growth rate, which stood at 82.44%, a substantial rise from the previous year's 53.38%. This growth rate is calculated by subtracting the previous year's sales revenue from the reporting year's sales revenue, then

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