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investment companies, Acting as a financial institution, follow developments in your estateguru portfolio at any time from all devices., do not miss out on good investment opportunities and carry out investments or transactions regardless of your location., we have created an opening view of the investor profile that makes it as easy as possible to manage your portfolio., keep an eye out for any updates, loan developments and transactions that take place on your virtual account., on the estateguru website, you check what information you want to get., do you want information about new investment opportunities and developments as soon as they are made public?, or do you prefer a more passive approach? we will find a solution exactly according to your wishes.
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Automated Investment Strategies
Our fully automated investment options are designed to save you time and ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunities that appeal to you by making your account as hands-off as you like. With a choice between Conservative, Balanced and Custom settings, you can tailor your strategy to perfectly meet your investment needs.
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Investment account
Oleme loonud investorprofiili avavaate, mis muudab Sinu portfelli haldamise võimalikult lihtsaks.
Hoia silm peal kõikidel uuendustel, laenude arengutel ning tehingutel, mis Sinu virtuaalkontol toimuvad.
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Tracking on the device
Jälgi oma Estateguru portfelli arenguid igal ajahetkel kõikidest seadmetest.
Ära jää ilma headest investeerimisvõimalustest ning teosta investeeringuid või tehinguid olenemata oma asukohast.
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Detailed alerts management
Estateguru veebilehel kontrollid Sina, mis informatsiooni soovid saada.
Kas soovid informatsiooni uute investeerimisvõimaluste ja arenduste kohta kohe, kui need avalikustatakse?
Või eelistad passiivsemat lähenemist? Leiame lahenduse täpselt vastavalt Sinu soovidele.
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