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Ergo Käesel

Business media and news feed
klaasipesuvedelik, astmelauad, päikesesirmid, kabiini esiosa detailid, Peeglid, küljeukse ja lingid, külje-katusespoiler, tuulesuunajad, kabiinitorud, gabariittuled

NORDPARTS OÜ's activity report 2022

OÜ Nordparts is a rapidly growing company that specializes in the sale of truck body parts through an online store. The company's first year of operation was dedicated to building a stable and loyal customer base. Significant investments have been made in advertising and store development to ensure the company's growth and success. In the last fiscal year, the company's key financial figures (in EUR) were as follows: Sales revenue was 16,260, business loss was -4,875, net loss for the fiscal year was -4,906, share capital at the end of the year was 2,500, and total assets were 21,076. The

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