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Mati Sarevet

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Fisheries, Fishing, the Food Industry

REYKTAL AS's activity report 2022

In the reporting year, AS Reyktal mainly focused on shrimp fishing in the North Atlantic Ocean. Sales revenue was 29.9 million euros, which is 34% higher compared to the previous year. Operating profit (EBIT) was 3,762 thousand euros, which constitutes about 12.6% of sales revenue (last year it was 2.5%). Compared to the previous year, the profit has increased due to higher catch and the market's post-covid recovery. No significant investments were made during the reporting year, and no investments are planned for the next year. The company has decided to cease the operation of the fishing


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REVAL SEAFOOD OÜ's activity report 2022

During the reporting year, the company's only fishing vessel mainly caught shrimp in the North Atlantic Ocean. Compared to 2021, sales revenue increased by 25.5
During the reporting year, the company's only fishing vessel mainly caught shrimp in the North Atlantic Ocean. Compared to 2021, sales revenue increased by 25.5% and was 13.91 million euros. Operating profit (EBIT) was 1.26 million euros and accounted for 9% of sales revenue (14% last year). The increase in revenues is due to the post-Covid price increase. The lower margin compared to last year is mainly due to the sharp increase in oil prices caused by the Russian invasion into Ukraine. The decrease in margin is also due to the increase in the price of several inputs. . The outlook for

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