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Building a passive house: what you need to know

A passive house is a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building's ecological footprint. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling. The core principles include superinsulation, airtight construction, high-performance windows and doors, heat recovery ventilation, and thermal bridge-free construction. Building a passive house offers numerous benefits, including significant energy savings, improved indoor air quality, reduced carbon footprint, and enhanced comfort for occupants. These homes


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The future of housing: net-zero energy homes explained

Net-zero energy homes are residential buildings designed to produce as much energy as they consume over the course of a year. Achieving net-zero status involves
Net-zero energy homes are residential buildings designed to produce as much energy as they consume over the course of a year. Achieving net-zero status involves a combination of energy efficiency measures and on-site renewable energy generation, typically through solar panels or wind turbines. As the world grapples with climate change and the need for sustainable living, net-zero energy homes represent a significant step forward in reducing the carbon footprint of residential buildings. They offer a blueprint for future housing that aligns with global energy goals and sustainability

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