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Roman Klink

Business media and news feed
consultations, registration and sale of companies, e-residency, Internal audit, risk management and assessment of the company\'s work, tax consultations, financial advice, Business Advice, supporting the economic activities of the enterprise, Preparation of documents

The importance of internal audits for smes

Internal audits are an essential component of corporate governance, providing an independent assessment of an organization's policies, procedures, and operations. The primary purpose of an internal audit is to add value and improve an organization's operations, helping it accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. For small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), internal audits are a critical tool for ensuring the business is on track to meet its goals, identifying


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Navigating tax consultations: a beginner's guide

Tax consultations are a critical component of financial planning, both for individuals and businesses. They provide an opportunity to understand tax obligations
Tax consultations are a critical component of financial planning, both for individuals and businesses. They provide an opportunity to understand tax obligations, identify potential savings, and ensure compliance with complex tax laws. For entrepreneurs and SMEs, staying ahead of tax issues is not just about compliance; it's about optimizing financial performance and growth. Whether you're experiencing significant financial changes, starting a new business, or simply looking to better understand your tax situation, a tax consultation can be invaluable. It's particularly important for those

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