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treatment pedicure, correction of nails, foot care, foot fungus treatment, removal of skin thickeners, elderly foot care, nail correction, foot care, removal of heel fissures, podology

Combatting foot fungus: tips and treatments

Foot fungus, also known as tinea pedis or athlete's foot, is a common skin infection caused by fungi, primarily dermatophytes. These organisms thrive in warm, moist environments, making the feet a prime target for infection. Several factors contribute to the development of foot fungus, including excessive sweating, not drying feet thoroughly after bathing or swimming, wearing tight-fitting shoes, and walking barefoot in communal areas such as locker rooms or pools. Common symptoms include itching, burning, redness, peeling skin, blisters, and sometimes an unpleasant odor. If left untreated,


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The ultimate guide to elderly foot care

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and our feet are no exception. Proper foot care becomes increasingly important for the elderly to maintain mobili
As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and our feet are no exception. Proper foot care becomes increasingly important for the elderly to maintain mobility, independence, and a good quality of life. This guide will delve into the best practices for elderly foot care, addressing common issues and providing actionable advice. Understanding the Importance of Foot Health in the Elderly With age, the feet can lose cushioning and flexibility, leading to increased pressure on the soles and a higher risk of injury. Changes in the skin's elasticity and thickness can also affect foot health,

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