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AEROTEX OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 21,396 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 18 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.8 points ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.

's activity report 2022

OÜ Aerotex is a company that has been operating in the construction sector for several years. This enterprise has built a reputation for its commitment to delivering quality work and has been a significant player in the industry. Over the years, OÜ Aerotex has been involved in various excavation and earthworks projects, catering to the specific needs of its clients. In 2022, the limited liability company undertook a range of different excavation and earthworks projects as per the orders received. However, the past year was not without its challenges. The company faced a downturn, which resulted in a decrease in turnover. The sales revenue for the year amounted to 179884. Despite the challenges, the company managed to navigate through the tough times, although it did incur a loss of 23479 euros.

One of the key factors that have helped OÜ Aerotex maintain its position in the market is the presence of modern technology. The company has invested in state-of-the-art equipment and machinery, which significantly aids in delivering efficient and high-quality services. This investment has been instrumental in helping the company stay competitive in the ever-evolving construction sector.

The management of OÜ Aerotex consists of a single member who is actively involved in the company's operations. Interestingly, no remuneration has been paid for the management of board members. The salary expenses for the reporting period amounted to 70962 euros. During the reporting period, the average number of employees was four. This lean team structure allows the company to operate efficiently and maintain a close-knit working environment.

Looking ahead to 2023, OÜ Aerotex has outlined its main priorities. The company aims to continue providing its clients with high-quality services. It plans to develop its existing service spectrum and explore new ones. The company is committed to sustainable business practices and aims to be a valued and preferred employer and business partner. OÜ Aerotex believes in the importance of continuous improvement and innovation, and it is these principles that will guide its operations in the coming year.

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