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Already 11,126 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 18 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 3.4 points ja kom

TESTUDO OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 11,126 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 18 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 3.4 points ja kommenteeritud 16 korda.

's activity report 2022

Testudo OÜ, a private limited company, was established in the frosty month of January in the year 1995. This company, with its roots firmly planted in the Estonian soil, has been serving its clients for over two decades now, demonstrating a remarkable level of resilience and adaptability in the ever-changing business landscape. The primary activities of Testudo OÜ revolve around the organization of driving lessons and the provision of accounting services. The company has carved a niche for itself in these sectors, leveraging its years of experience and expertise to deliver top-notch services that meet and often exceed the expectations of its clients. In the year 2022, the company did not undertake any major investments. This decision was a strategic one, aimed at maintaining the company's financial stability and ensuring its ability to continue delivering high-quality services without any disruptions. The company's management has also indicated that there are no plans for significant investments in the year 2023. This is a clear indication of the company's commitment to maintaining its current course and focusing on its core competencies.

During the period of the annual report preparation, there were no significant events that occurred which are not reflected in the accounting annual report and which could significantly influence or potentially affect the results of the subsequent financial years. This is a testament to the company's transparent and meticulous accounting practices, which leave no room for discrepancies or omissions.

In the reporting year, no remuneration was accounted for the members of the board. There are also no provisions for compensations in case of the recall of board members. This is a clear demonstration of the company's commitment to fiscal responsibility and its focus on channeling its resources towards the provision of high-quality services to its clients.

In the year 2022, Testudo OÜ had a lean team of three salaried employees. Despite its small size, the team has been able to deliver exceptional results, thanks to their dedication, expertise, and the efficient systems put in place by the company. This is a clear indication that the company values quality over quantity and is committed to maintaining a lean and efficient team that can deliver the best results for its clients.

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