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Already 35,614 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 36 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.7 points but ha

LEMONA EESTI OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 35,614 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 36 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.7 points but has not been commented.

's activity report 2022

Lemona Eesti OÜ, a renowned company in Estonia, specializes in the sale of electronic components and spare parts. The company is recognized for its association with prominent brands such as MeanWell, Sunricher, Sunon, Stannol, CSB, Duracell, AKTO, and many others. In 2022, Lemona Eesti OÜ significantly expanded its wholesale and online sales, achieving remarkable success and catering to both new and existing customers. The company offers a wide range of products at competitive prices, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In the year 2022, Lemona Eesti OÜ enhanced its efficiency through effective cost control and increased sales. The company's wholesale sales grew by 8%, an increase of 84,230 EUR, while online sales surged by 22%, an increase of 85,313 EUR. The company is committed to developing the sales skills of its sales managers gradually. A detailed strategy and development plan for the company have been drafted for 2023. Each employee has been provided with an individual plan and a motivating remuneration system to encourage productivity and efficiency.

The company evaluates the implementation of the plan every month, making necessary adjustments to revenues and costs. The search for new active sales managers continues as part of the company's growth strategy. Lemona Eesti OÜ is expanding its customer network and plans to offer more products to the manufacturing sector. The company continues to collaborate with new sectors, including furniture lighting and lighting installation on construction sites.

There are many potential customers for Lemona Eesti OÜ in Estonia, including manufacturing companies that subcontract to the electronics industries in Finland, Sweden, Germany, and other countries. In 2022, the company worked with electronics and electrical equipment manufacturers, resulting in an increase in the number of customers and sales in these sectors.

Lemona Eesti OÜ has developed a new advertising strategy and loyalty program for its customers. The company offers discounts to existing customers and special offers to new customers. The company utilizes web media (Google, Facebook, updated Lemona EE website, Hinnavaatlus) and direct mail in its field, leading to significant online sales development in 2022. The company has also introduced Russian and English versions of its website.

The parent company, Lemona UAB, has developed customer and their purchasing potential analysis programs, which were introduced in Estonia at the beginning of 2018. Lemona UAB's product managers and supplier representatives provide product training to Lemona Eesti OÜ staff and share Lithuanian experiences. Lemona UAB was very successful in 2022, and the management believes in the sustainability of Lemona Eesti OÜ and fully supports its activities. For Lemona UAB, exclusive marketing of top brands is very important, and it aims to have a representation in all Baltic countries.

The goal for Lemona Eesti OÜ in 2023 is to improve the efficiency of every Lemona Electronics employee and increase sales by 16.7%, or 288 thousand EUR, and net profit by 18.6%, or 9 thousand EUR. The company plans to develop segments such as electrical equipment, electronics, furniture advertising production, and also collaborate with retail companies - to develop brands like Baseus, Ugreen, etc.

The management of Lemona Eesti OÜ is committed to achieving these goals and continuing the company's growth and success in the coming years.

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