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Juba 3,880 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 13 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.7 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 15 korda.

's activity report 2022

Security Software OÜ (brand CYBERS) is a leading provider of information and cybersecurity solutions in Estonia and nearby markets for both private and public sector companies and institutions.

The company's value is the desire to protect clients from threats arising from organized cybercrime. The main direction of activity is to provide everything necessary for improving information and cybersecurity, which is what a modern business organization has to deal with today. Services include both cybersecurity management and risk mapping as well as best practices for implementing capabilities and controls to mitigate risks arising from cyber threats to ensure the sustainability of clients' daily business operations.

The central service is a cybersecurity center as a complete solution, which consists of various modules such as security situation assessment analysis and risk mapping, daily 24/7 computer network monitoring and monitoring, cybersecurity consultant advice according to risk analysis and agreed action plan, various penetration and vulnerability testing services and real and immediate help in resolving cyber incidents in case the company has been attacked by a cyber attack.

As a value proposition, the world's leading cybersecurity solution manufacturers, such as IBM, Microsoft, Checkpoint, Recorded

Future, Trend Micro, Opswat, Crowdstrike, Proofpoint Vectra and others, are used, for which the company has sales and representation rights in Estonia along with the necessary technical competencies.

Thanks to long-term targeted activity in cybersecurity, competence and quality comprehensive service, the company's client portfolio includes several prestigious international major clients. The company continues to expand to nearby markets while simultaneously significantly increasing its market share in Estonia.

The company employs nearly forty top specialists in the field, who in addition to professional certificates also have years of real experience in the field. The company constantly invests in educating the next generation by also offering internship opportunities.

Through previous years of operation and also in the future, the company's priority is to raise the awareness of information and cybersecurity of companies and institutions, which is why various workshops and seminars of different difficulty levels are constantly organized.

The company also organizes an annual major seminar Nordic-Baltic Security Summit, the number of participants of which has grown significantly over the years. Today, the seminar has gained an international dimension, involving participants from both the Baltic States and the Nordic countries. The aim of the major seminar is to address current information security topics from a business and operations perspective and to help company executives keep up to date with the most important topics in the field. In addition, the seminar has a deep technical session for top specialists in the field of cybersecurity, where in addition to presentations, cybersecurity exercises are also conducted. The seminar has grown into one of the top events of the year in the field.

In 2023, the company will continue the chosen direction of activity by offering various high-quality and comprehensive information and cybersecurity solutions and services based on the needs and specifics of clients. We also contribute to strategic cooperation with companies with whom we have synergy from services, the opportunity to grow together and further increase the portfolio's capabilities.

Raising awareness of the importance of information and cybersecurity and preventing cyber attacks is necessary in every company today to avoid damaging reputation leaks or falling victim to cyber extortion.

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