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We’re an ambitious team of experts focused on providing circular tech services to large organizations, the public sector and the recommerce industry. We recover and remarket tech, and provide the infrastructure necessary to give it a truly sustainable life-cycle.

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Ettevõtte lugu - Our Story

In an age where technology evolves at breakneck speed, one company stands as a beacon of sustainability and innovation: Foxway. Since its inception in 2009, Foxway has been on a relentless mission to transform the tech sector into a more sustainable and circular industry. What sets Foxway apart is not just its commitment to sustainability, but its tangible actions and transformative business model that are reshaping how we perceive and utilize technology.

At Foxway, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it\'s a way of life. The company operates on a circular business model, focusing on every stage of a device\'s life cycle. Their approach begins with encouraging the use of long-life devices, prolonging their functionality and reducing electronic waste. This conscious choice leads to devices being managed with utmost care, including services like billing, end-user support, and device swaps, ensuring that technology serves its purpose for as long as possible.

Foxway’s commitment to sustainability doesn’t end with usage. Their recovery services breathe new life into devices that are ready for a new lease on life. Through secure data wipes, repairs, and upgrades, devices are prepared for new users, minimizing electronic waste and maximizing value. By managing their own devices as well as trade-ins and returns, Foxway significantly reduces the tech industry’s carbon footprint, paving the way for a greener future.

When it comes to putting devices back into the market, Foxway’s remarketing services take center stage. Devices re-enter the market with a remarkably low carbon footprint, reducing procurement-related emissions by a staggering 98%. By offering devices with minimal environmental impact and ensuring quality through warranties, Foxway guarantees that sustainable technology reaches the hands of consumers and businesses alike.

Foxway doesn’t just stop at devices; they empower their customers and partners with invaluable insights and advisory services. By providing data connected to devices, they enable businesses to make informed decisions, fostering sustainability and profitability simultaneously. This unique approach not only drives sustainability but also enhances the bottom line for their clients.

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and environmental conservation, Foxway stands tall as a pioneer in the tech industry. Their circular business model, driven by innovation, empathy, and a deep sense of responsibility, is a testament to what a company can achieve when sustainability is at its core.

In the hands of Foxway, technology isn’t just a tool; it\'s a force for good. As they continue to grow, evolve, and inspire, Foxway paints a promising picture of a future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand, creating a digital landscape that is not just cutting-edge but also profoundly eco-conscious. The journey towards a sustainable tech future has found a trailblazer in Foxway, and the world is undoubtedly a better place for it.

Find out more on Foxway\'s webpage!

FOXWAY OÜ kontaktid

Mida kliendid arvavad?

Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Liisa H.

Jäin hiljutise ostuga väga rahule!

- Kaido D.

Väga hea tööandja ja mõnus atmosfäär!

- Piret L.

Super ettevõte! Hea tunne osta tehnikat ja teada, et aitad keskkonnale kaasa.

FOXWAY OÜ tegevusaruanne 2023

Foxway OÜ asutati 31.08.2014. Alates 2016. aastast on ettevõtte põhitegevusvaldkonnaks telefonide, arvutite ning teiste IT seadmete diagnostika ja müük ning sellega seotud lahenduste ja teenuste pakkumine klientidele. 2023. aastal jätkus Foxway OÜ kiire kasv. Müügitulu suurenes võrreldes eelneva aastaga enam kui 28%. Töötajate arv kasvas samal ajal üle 20%, ulatudes aasta lõpuks enam kui 660 töötajani. Käibe kasv oli peamiselt tingitud hankekanalite mahtude suurenemisest, grupisisesest sünergiast ning kauba lisandväärtuse loomise kasvust. Äritegevus laienes kõige enam Lääne-Euroopas ning


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