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's activity report 2022

VKG Kaevandused OÜ is a subsidiary of Viru Keemia Grupp AS, whose main activity is oil shale mining. VKG Kaevandused OÜ owns:  mining permit in Ojamaa mining area, which covers 1,694.21 ha and has oil shale reserves of 58.68 million tons;  mining permit in Sompa mining area, which covers 3,379.77 ha and has oil shale reserves of 20.044 million tons;  mining permit in Viru II mining area, which covers 42.45 ha and has oil shale reserves of 1.383 million tons;  mining permit in Uus-Kiviõli II mining area, which covers 2,076.056 ha and has oil shale reserves of 69.282 million tons.

The oil shale reserves allocated with mining permits are all the reserves that can be mined from the beginning of the mining permit.

The mine owned by VKG Kaevandused OÜ is called Ojamaa mine.

The production of Ojamaa mine is viewed in the following product groups:  chunk oil shale (for use on Kiviter equipment (VKG Oil AS) with a piece size of 25-125 mm and an average calorific value of 10.5 MJ/kg)  fine oil shale (for use on Petroter equipment (VKG Oil AS) with a piece size of 0-25 mm and an average calorific value of 7.9 MJ/kg)

VKG Kaevandused OÜ is wholly owned by Viru Keemia Grupp AS.

Since 2017, VKG Kaevandused OÜ has ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and

ISO45001:2018 compliance certificates.

Significant events in 2022. The mine produced 4,251 thousand tons of commercial oil shale. Compared to the previous year, the amount of commercial oil shale produced decreased by 142 thousand tons. The main reason for the decrease in production was the illness of workers due to COVID at the beginning of 2022.

When preparing the budget for 2023, the target was set at a production volume of 4,359 thousand tons per year.

Business activity during 2022 produced 4,251 thousand tons of commercial oil shale, of which 1,351 thousand tons were chunk oil shale and 2,900 thousand tons were fine oil shale. The production volumes of the last five years are shown in the graph below:



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