Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid
EXPERTLINE OÜ hetkeolukord
Juba 5,764 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 34 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.8 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.
Strateegiline otsus: Kliendibaasi suurendada ei sooviJuhatuse liige Jaanus Pärnpuu (16.05.2024): „Keskendume ainult olemasolevate klientide kvaliteetsele teenindusele ja suhete hoidmisele. Kliendibaasi suurendada ei planeeri.“
's activity report 2022
The articles of association of Expertline OÜ were approved by the decision of the sole shareholder on December 27, 2011.
The activities of Expertline OÜ are transportation services in the Republic of Estonia, forestry and commercial brokerage activities.
The main activities in 2022 were transportation services of forest materials, purchase of growing forest and forest materials, and services of forest materials processing, forest management.
2 Komatsu forwarders were purchased by leasing in 2022.
The net turnover of the financial year was 8,431,738 euros.
The realization place Republic of Estonia 8,431,738 euros.
The ratios characterizing 2022 are: business profitability 11.3% (ratio of operating profit to sales revenue) net profitability 10.88% (ratio of net profit to sales revenue) return on equity 24.43% (ratio of net profit to equity) short-term debt coverage ratio 22.58 (ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities) liquidity ratio 22.57 (ratio of current assets/excluding inventories to short-term liabilities).
The ratios characterizing 2021 are: business profitability 11.23% (ratio of operating profit to sales revenue) net profitability 10.79% (ratio of net profit to sales revenue) return on equity 26.79% (ratio of net profit to equity) short-term debt coverage ratio 17.54 (ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities) liquidity ratio 17.54 (ratio of current assets/excluding inventories to short-term liabilities).
The average number of full-time employees during the reporting period was 39 and their salaries amounted to 808,364 euros, of which the salary of the board member, who is also a full-time employee, was 12,000 euros.
Action plan for 2023
The main activity of the company remains the provision of transportation services, maintaining and securing the company's market position.
The plan is to sell the older forest machines in use and buy newer ones.
Buy growing forest and forest properties with growing forest, forest management.
Find partners for keeping excavators busy.
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