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SOOSING OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 10,556 peopleand his is followed by 87 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.6 points.and commented 103 times.
's activity report 2022
Soosing OÜ is a company whose goal is to provide its customers with construction materials project and retail sales service.
The financial year 2022 was successful for the company. The company managed to increase its market share in both e-commerce of construction materials and wholesale and project sales. The turnover of Soosing OÜ retail stores remained stable compared to previous periods.
The general macroeconomic development of the operating environment has had a positive impact on the company's financial results.
The company's business is seasonal and economic activity is cyclical.
Soosing OÜ's economic activity does not have significant environmental and social impacts.
During the financial year and the report preparation period, no risks related to exchange rates, interest rates and stock prices have emerged.
The sales revenue for the financial year 2022 amounted to 19,046,179 euros and the profit for the operating year amounted to 364,253 euros.
There were no expenditures for development and research activities during the financial year and none are planned for 2023.
The remuneration paid to the members of the board during the reporting year was 11,997 euros.
The following table presents the main economic indicators and financial ratios that characterize the company's economic activity during the reporting year and the previous period.
Indicator name/year 2022 2021
Sales revenue 19,046,179 15,863,128
Sales revenue growth (reporting year sales revenue / previous year sales revenue)-1*100 20.07% 29.03%
Net profit 364,253 622,149
Return on equity (net profit / equity)*100 18.24% 35.10%
Return on sales (net profit / sales revenue)*100 1.91% 3.92%
Asset turnover (sales revenue / total assets) 4.27 3.78
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio (current assets / short-term liabilities)*100 154% 149%
Receivables turnover period (receivables from customers * 365) / sales revenue [in days] 11.91 17.43
Inventory turnover period (inventory * 365) / sales revenue [in days] 42.40 41.52
Payment period (liabilities to suppliers * 365) / sales revenue [in days] 35.43 34.68
Short-term cash cycle (receivables turnover period + inventory turnover period - payment period) [in days] 18.88 24.27
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