Rohkema info nägemiseks:


Ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Popsi Kõõk, wholesale of foodstuffs, cakes, cookies, confectionery, muffins, curd cake, cake design, cake decoration, decorating with sugar foam


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KIRNU OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 18,949 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 4 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 5.0 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 3 korda.

's activity report 2022

The limited company Kirnu operates in the catering industry, owning a bakery and culinary products store called Popsi Köök. The Popsi Köök store has been operating since 2010 and was established as a family business. The limited company Kirnu has owned the Popsi Köök store since 2013. The store is located in the capital of Mulgimaa, Abja-Paluoja.

From 2016 to 2022, the Popsi Köök modernization project was implemented in three stages, with the help of LEADER support. Equipment was purchased and the exterior facade of the building was renovated.

In 2020, a major renovation was carried out in the production rooms with self-financing, which included a new water node, sewage, ventilation system, electrical system, floors, and walls.

Since 2020, the company also owns the „Mulgi Network“ trademark and the store has a Mulgi shelf, where it is possible to buy products from Mulgimaa producers.

Since 2021, they are also a partner of the Family Card. The Family Card is a discount card created for large families in Estonia.

In 2022, they expanded their operations to Karksi-Nuia, where the company's confectioners are now located and where cupcakes, cakes, and pies are made.

Also, in Karksi-Nuia, a bakery-confectionery cafe is open on Saturdays, where you can enjoy coffee and a cupcake on the spot. It is also possible to pick up orders from Monday to Friday in Karksi-Nuia.

The uniqueness of the products made is the non-use of preservatives and on-site preparation, thanks to which the products are always fresh.

Products that are made on site include Bakery products (sweet and salty pretzels, pastries, and pies) n Confectionery products (cupcakes, cakes, sweet and salty pies, and cookies) n Culinary products (borscht bases, Mulgi cabbage, schnitzels, cutlets, roulade, snacks and -platters) n Mayonnaise and raw salads

All products are handmade and as much local and high-quality raw material as possible is used.

KIRNU OÜ kontaktid

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Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Kalle K.K.

Pakume KIRNU OÜ-lt alati maitsvaid ja kvaliteetseid tooteid. Olen olnud alati väga rahul!

- Liisa L.L.

KIRNU OÜ on minu jaoks alati esimene valik, kui soovin osta maitsvaid ja kvaliteetseid majoneesi- ja toorsalateid.

- Jaan J.J.

KIRNU OÜ pagaritooted on alati olnud minu lemmikud! Need on maitsvad ja hästi pakendatud.


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