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Business media page visits - 10181; followers - 8. Reviews - 1; Articles 1+ "Write an opinion on AVALANCHE LABORATORY OÜ!"


Already 10,181 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 8 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 3.8 points ja kommenteeritud 4 korda.

's activity report 2022

The main activity of Avalanche Laboratory OÜ is the provision of IT services (analysis, software development, IT project management, data and business analysis).

The company's main business directions are banking IT systems, software development, ERP solution development and implementation, data warehouse development.

In 2022, they also started offering IT infrastructure hosting, management and support services. Among Avalanche Laboratory's largest clients are, for example, Luminor Bank AS, AS Citadele banka, Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, InBank AS, Nasdaq CSD, Danske Bank, Elering AS and Osaühing Ursus.

Avalanche Laboratory offers its services to both private and public sector clients and actively participates in Estonian public procurements. The company's goal in the coming years is to grow.

Main financial ratios of Avalanche Laboratory OÜ 2022 2021

Sales revenue (EUR) 7583009 7636298

EBITDA (pre-depreciation operating profit) (EUR) 694375 157731

Net profit (EUR) 572319 49360

Net profitability (%) 7.55 0.65%

Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) 1.36 1.02

ROA (%) 23.68 2.78%

ROE (%) 64.81 15.88%

Formulas used in calculating ratios:

Net profitability (%) = net profit/sales revenue * 100

Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) = current assets/short-term liabilities

ROA (%) = net profit/total assets*100

ROE (%) = net profit/total equity*100

EBITDA = Operating profit + depreciation expenses



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