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Welcome to a world where digital proficiency is not just an advantage, but a necessity. At JS KOOLITUSED OÜ, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the fast-paced digital landscape. That's why we offer a comprehensive suite of e-courses designed to elevate your skills and enhance your online presence.

From mastering WordPress to navigating the complexities of social media, our courses are tailored to meet the needs of beginners and advanced users alike. Our Elementori kiirkursus will have you creating stunning web pages in no time, while our WordPressi online kursus algajatele is perfect for those taking their first steps into website creation.

For the more experienced, our WordPressi online kursus edasijõudnutele delves deeper into the platform's capabilities, unlocking new possibilities for your web projects. And with the rise of visual content, our design Canva training sessions will empower you to craft eye-catching graphics that captivate your audience.

Our commitment to your growth doesn't stop at e-courses. We also offer real-time training for those who value the in-person learning experience. Whether it's a custom in-house training session for your business or an invitation to lead a workshop, our expertise covers a range of topics including marketing fundamentals, social media management, Meta advertising, and internet security.

Looking ahead to 2024, we're excited to announce our upcoming Canva koolitus algajatele and Canva koolitus edasijõudnutele. These sessions are designed to take your design skills from basic to brilliant, ensuring you're well-equipped to create professional-grade visual content.

At JS KOOLITUSED OÜ, we're more than just a training provider; we're your partner in digital empowerment. Our courses are meticulously crafted with the latest industry insights and practical applications to ensure you're not just learning, but applying your knowledge to achieve real-world results.

Ready to transform your digital skills and stay competitive in the digital era? Explore our courses, register for our upcoming sessions, and join a community of learners who are just as passionate about digital excellence as you are.

For personalized package deals or to learn more about our offerings, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's embark on this journey of digital mastery together!


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- Mark T.

Tänan ettevõtet põhjaliku koolituse eest!

- Laura K.

See kursus oli just see, mida vajasin. Aitäh!

- Andres O.

Kodulehe tegemise oskused said täiesti uue hoo!

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5 wordpress tricks for beginners

WordPress is a powerful content management system (CMS) that enables users to create and manage websites with ease. It's an open-source platform that is both free and priceless at the same time, offering a flexible and user-friendly interface for all levels of users. For those new to website creation, WordPress is a godsend. Its intuitive design, extensive documentation, and a vast community of users make it an ideal platform for beginners to learn and grow their digital presence. 1. Mastering the Gutenberg Editor The Gutenberg editor revolutionizes content creation in WordPress by using


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Maximizing your productivity with e-courses

E-courses, or electronic courses, are structured educational experiences delivered through digital platforms. They offer a modern approach to learning, allowing
E-courses, or electronic courses, are structured educational experiences delivered through digital platforms. They offer a modern approach to learning, allowing individuals to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones from anywhere with an internet connection. Productivity is not just about doing more in less time; it's about doing the right things efficiently and effectively. E-courses empower learners to streamline their personal and professional development, aligning with the goal of heightened productivity. Benefits of E-Courses for Enhancing Productivity E-courses provide the

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