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Company Story
At CORPUSE KOOLITUSED OÜ, we believe in the transformative power of knowledge and physical education. Our mission is to equip trainers and young athletes with the tools they need to excel both on and off the field. With a suite of corporate wellness programs and youth camps training, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where physical and mental health are in perfect sync.
Our additional training for coaches is designed to enhance the skills and methodologies of fitness professionals. We delve into the intricacies of nutrition lectures for companies, offering insights into how diet impacts performance. Our physical and mental health training workshops are interactive and engaging, ensuring that every participant leaves with a comprehensive understanding of lifestyle impact on health.
For the youth, our dynamic programs are tailored to instill a love for fitness while educating on important topics such as body composition education, fat reduction strategies, and the risks of extreme weight loss. Our youth camps training includes fun and challenging activities that promote strength, coordination, and agility, ensuring that young athletes are well-prepared for their sporting endeavors.
Our coach training courses are meticulously crafted to address the needs of today's fitness professionals. From muscle mass maintenance to movement and exercise benefits, we cover a broad spectrum of subjects that are essential for a coach's toolkit. With CORPUSE KOOLITUSED OÜ, you're not just attending a training session; you're embarking on a journey to elevate your coaching career.
Join us and be part of a community that values an active lifestyle and the profound benefits of physical activity. Whether you're looking to improve your coaching techniques or seeking to enhance the health and performance of your team, our corpus coaching services are your gateway to success.
Let's build a healthier, more active world together. Explore our programs and find out how we can support your goals with our expert-led training and education.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can tailor them to fit your needs.
Company customer opinions
Koolituse ülesehitus oli mõnusalt vaba ning kogu meie meeskond pidas koolitust väga põhjalikuks, huvitavaks ja inspireerivaks. Koolitaja Siim oli väga tasakaalukas ja siiras ning andis motivatsiooni edaspidi oma tervisekäitumises teha paremaid ja teadlikumaid valikuid. Suur-suur aitäh
Eesti Jalgpalli Liit tänab väga toreda loengu eest. Teema oli äärmiselt põnev ning koolitaja poolt väga huvitavalt ja arusaadavalt esitatud. Saime uusi teadmisi toitumisest ning sellest tingitud keha toimimisest. Samuti tuli välja, et väikesed muutused igapäevastes tegemistes viivad suurte muutusteni tervises ning erinevate rangetel dieetidel võib olla hoopis negatiivne tulemus.
Koolitus sujus hästi. Sisu oli arusaadav ning koolitaja poolt väga mõnusalt edasi antud. Kolleege oli kohal üle paarikümne ja usun, et nii mõnigi teadmine sai uue lähenemise ja arusaama.
Oluline on seda kõike tulevikus teada ja praktikas rakendada !
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