Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Lauri Lepassar

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
poultry production, farm animals, dairy farming, cereal crop farming, Rapeseed farming, Feeding dairy cattle, Keeping dairy cows, Calf keeping, Keeping of young animals, Free-range table with milking robot

Sustainable cereal cultivation: our approach

Sustainability in agriculture is a multifaceted approach that encompasses environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. It involves practices that do not deplete resources, harm the environment, or place the burden of costs on future generations. Sustainable farming systems are designed to maintain and improve soil fertility, reduce water usage and pollution, and minimize the use of non-renewable resources. Cereal crops are the backbone of global food security, providing essential nutrients and forming the basis of diets around the world. However, conventional


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5 reasons why free-range dairy matters

Free-range dairy farming is a method of dairy production that allows cows to roam freely in natural pastures for the majority of the year. Unlike conventional d
Free-range dairy farming is a method of dairy production that allows cows to roam freely in natural pastures for the majority of the year. Unlike conventional dairy farms where cows may be confined, free-range systems prioritize the well-being of the cattle, ensuring they have access to fresh grass, sunlight, and open space. Conventional dairy farming often involves keeping cows in confined spaces with limited access to the outdoors. This can lead to a range of issues, from animal welfare concerns to environmental degradation. Free-range dairy farming offers a stark contrast, promoting a

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