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Marine research services,, Saaremaa Parish, the Lääts Village, AS Läätsa Fish Industry, Hiiu Kalur, e-mail, fishing industry, Saaremaa, Fisheries

Behind the scenes: the art of fish processing

Fish processing is a critical step in the journey of seafood from the ocean to the dinner table. It involves a series of actions including cleaning, gutting, filleting, preserving, and packaging to ensure that the fish is safe for consumption and retains its nutritional value and flavor. This process not only extends the shelf life of seafood products but also enhances their marketability and convenience for consumers. The fish processing industry is a complex network that encompasses a variety of techniques and standards. It is an industry that has evolved over centuries, integrating


kõik artiklid

Sustainable fishing: preserving our marine ecosystems

As the demand for seafood continues to grow, the need for sustainable fishing practices becomes increasingly critical. Sustainable fishing is about balancing th
As the demand for seafood continues to grow, the need for sustainable fishing practices becomes increasingly critical. Sustainable fishing is about balancing the need for fishing today with the need to preserve marine ecosystems for future generations. It involves a holistic approach that considers the long-term vitality of marine life and the communities that depend on it. Sustainable fishing is defined by practices that maintain or improve the population of fish stocks, minimize environmental impact, and ensure the economic viability of fishing communities. It's not just about the fish we

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