For more information:

Tarmo Eerik

Decider CV
Largest trustworthy company EESTI PUURKAEV OÜ, reputation score 3760, active business relations 3. Mainly operates in the field: Construction of other civil engineering projects n.e.c..

Most reputable company


Reputation scores: 3760

estimated turnover 2024

2 698 014 €

Increased by 4 % compared to last year

Active business relations
Tarmo Eerik



Fields of activity

Value of companies
Tarmo Eerik

Assets by income method

2 401 247 €

The main activity of Eesti Puurkaev OÜ is drilling geothermal wells. Geothermal wells are drilled for the purpose of heating and cooling buildings. In addition to drilling wells, we also carry out the necessary excavation ...


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