Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Tarmo Lees

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Forest material, Materials for forest trees

KESKÜHISTU ERAMETS TÜH's activity report 2022

The Central Cooperative Private Forest was established in 2009 by forest cooperatives. The main objective of the cooperative is to generate profit for its members, protect their economic interests, support and promote them through joint economic activity. The aim of the cooperative is to increase the income of forest owners from the forest through the joint marketing of produced timber and its processed products. The members of the cooperative are 11 regional non-profit cooperatives registered in Estonia in the field of forestry. The main activities of the Central Cooperative Private Forest


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Oktoobri alguses anti Luua Metsanduskoolis taas üle 1300 euro suurune Põlvamaa Metsaühistu stipendium, mille seekord pälvis Marcus Uibo, kes õpib Luua Metsandus

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