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construction of communication and electrical networks, maintenance of refractory structures, repair readiness of critical equipment, making metal frames, welding work and locksmith assembly work, production and installation of pressure tanks, painting and finishing works, production and painting, design and development, project management services
Business Philosophy - Viru RMT
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Viru RMT is a company with great experience that handles metal structures incl. with the production of pressure tanks
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Equipment maintenance and repair
Tehnoloogiliste seadmete hooldus
Remonditeenused tööstusmasinatele
Tulekindlate konstruktsioonide hooldus
Kriitiliste seadmete remondivalmidus
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Manufacture and installation of metal structures
Metallkarkasside valmistamine
Keevitustööd ja lukksepakoostetööd
Survemahutite tootmine ja paigaldus
Värvimis- ja viimistlustööd
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Construction and project management
Side- ja elektrivõrkude ehitus
Tõsteteenused ja montaaž
Veetorustike ja kanalisatsioonivõrkude paigaldamine
Projektijuhtimise teenused
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