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Business media and news feed
unlimited documents, no monthly fee and entries do not expire, 1 company, pay only if you use the software, pricing is company-based, api, free e-invoicing, free updates, free customer support, all functionality

SMART ACCOUNTS OÜ's activity report 2022

SmartAccounts, a company established in 2011, has been primarily engaged in the development and sale of the SmartAccounts web-based economic software. Over the past decade, SmartAccounts has not only managed to maintain its position in the market but has also strengthened it considerably. In 2022, SmartAccounts welcomed 3600 new users and 3350 new companies, further solidifying its market presence. The development team at SmartAccounts focused even more on improving the user-friendliness of the existing functionality in 2022. Steps were taken to ensure that the experience of a new user

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