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foundation work services, safety management, quality assurance, coordination of logistics, planning and design, concrete and masonry works, foundation work solutions, custom concrete work, commercial foundation work, building foundation construction

Sustainable practices in concrete works

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of construction, the industry is shifting towards more sustainable practices. For professionals in the field, from construction companies to architects, the challenge is to balance the demands of building with the need to preserve our planet for future generations. Concrete is the most widely used man-made material on earth. It is essential for modern infrastructure, but its production is energy-intensive and contributes significantly to CO2 emissions. Recognizing this, SPN BETOON OÜ is committed to reducing the


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The importance of proper foundation in building design

The foundation of a building is the lowest load-bearing part of the structure, designed to distribute the weight of the building evenly and provide a firm base.
The foundation of a building is the lowest load-bearing part of the structure, designed to distribute the weight of the building evenly and provide a firm base. It is the critical interface between the structure above and the earth below, ensuring stability and structural integrity. A well-designed foundation prevents a range of structural problems, including uneven settling, which can lead to cracks, leaks, and even building collapse. Foundations come in various forms, each suited to different building requirements and ground conditions. Common types include shallow foundations like

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