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's activity report 2022

EVEA is an Estonian representative organization for small and medium-sized enterprises, established in 1988 to protect the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises and strengthen the competitiveness of its members.

EVEA represents over 6000 companies through direct and collective members, making it the largest cross-sectoral umbrella organization for entrepreneurs in Estonia, both in terms of the number of members and the target group represented.

Over 99% of Estonian companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, 94% of which are micro-enterprises. The majority (over 75%) of Estonian jobs, investments, tax revenues, and exports come from small and medium-sized enterprises. EVEA is the only representative organization in Estonia purely for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, our positions are broad-based both regionally and sectorally and cover the perspective of small businesses much more broadly than just the interests of the membership.

EVEA stands for making it easy for entrepreneurs to start, run and develop businesses locally, nationally and internationally.

EVEA stands for making entrepreneurship respected and recognized, and the state does not impose unjustified restrictions and bureaucracy either by word or deed.

In the fall of 2022, the EVEA council approved the strategic directions of EVEA, "EVEA platform 2023+".

Main directions of EVEA's activities in 2022: (cid:127) Representation of the interests of the membership and small and medium-sized enterprises more broadly in dialogue with the legislator, the state and other interest groups; (cid:127) Supporting and advising companies; (cid:127) Information activities and practical services aimed at the EVEA membership.

EVEA is politically independent in its activities and we cooperate with all parties. Our activities are mainly financed by membership fees. In 2022, the EVEA management applied for funds from the 2021-2027 European Union Cohesion and Internal Security Policy Fund and in December 2022 our project application "More opportunities for small businesses!" was approved. The positive funding decision allows the EVEA management to represent the interests of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs even more effectively.

In 2022, we sent approximately 50 appeals and proposal packages to the Parliament, ministries and state institutions, members of the EVEA board and council have defended them in the Parliament's committees and meetings with ministers and top officials. After the elections, we have established serious relations with the new government and contribute daily to the development of Estonia and its companies. For this, we are actively working to adopt a substantive small business policy and regional policy during the current Parliament's term.

Green thinking in life and business is an integral part of EVEA's strategy. In addition to confirming the EVEA green transition strategy, EVEA representatives actively participate in various working groups dealing with fair transition and green transition issues.

Of course, our representatives are also present in many other national representative bodies and working groups, where the country's development directions are set or decisions are made on important issues for entrepreneurs.

According to the EVEA member satisfaction survey conducted in March 2022, 97.5% of respondents consider the protection of entrepreneurs' interests to be the most important direction of EVEA's activities. More detailed information about representing the interests of entrepreneurs can be read on the EVEA website (under the News, Positions, Media Coverage, EVEA Channels section) and on the EVEA Facebook page.

During the reporting period, there were no employees with an employment contract at the EVEA. No remuneration was paid to the members of the EVEA board and council for their work.

The EVEA council holds regular meetings once a quarter, board meetings are held as needed.

Starting from the third quarter of 2023, it is planned to involve a CEO in the team, whose task will be to organize the daily administration of the EVEA organization

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