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Company Story

Welcome to Geodeesia Partner OÜ, where our commitment to excellence in geodetic services is the cornerstone of our operations. With a team of highly educated and experienced geodesists, we take pride in offering comprehensive geodetic solutions across Estonia and beyond. Our expertise spans from local projects to international endeavors in Sweden, Finland, and Australia, ensuring that no project is too big or too small for us to handle.

Our Services

  • Geodetic Base Plan: The foundation of any construction or land planning project, our geodetic base plans provide essential data for accurate and efficient project execution.
  • Construction Geodetic Works: Precision marking and measurement services for infrastructure such as buildings, roads, railways, bridges, and utility networks.
  • Measurement of Buildings: We create detailed plans, elevations, and sections that reflect the current state of any structure.
  • Performance Measurement: Post-construction surveys to document the position and details of newly constructed edifices or installations.
  • 3D Models: Advanced 3D modeling for machine automation, providing an extra layer of precision for your projects.

At Geodeesia Partner OÜ, we understand that the success of your project relies on the accuracy of our work. That's why we emphasize quality, speed, and communication with our clients. Our goal is to be your go-to partner for all your geodetic needs, delivering results that not only meet but exceed your expectations.

Ready to embark on a project with precision at its core? Contact us today at or call us at +372 5578512 for a quote and experience the difference that professional geodetic services can make.

Let's build the future on a foundation of accuracy and expertise. Choose Geodeesia Partner OÜ – Your geodesy partner at all times!


Understanding construction geodetic works: a comprehensive guide

Geodesy is the science of measuring and understanding the Earth's geometric shape, orientation in space, and gravity field. In construction, geodesy is crucial for ensuring that structures are built accurately and to specification. It provides the foundational data that informs all subsequent building activities, from initial design to final construction. Geodetic surveys are essential for obtaining precise measurements of the Earth's surface and features. These surveys help in planning construction projects, determining land boundaries, and ensuring structures are built in the correct


kõik artiklid

5 ways 3d models are revolutionizing the building industry

The advent of 3D modeling technology has marked a transformative era for the building industry. This powerful tool has become indispensable for construction pro
The advent of 3D modeling technology has marked a transformative era for the building industry. This powerful tool has become indispensable for construction professionals, offering unprecedented capabilities in design, planning, and execution of building projects. GEODEESIA PARTNER OÜ is at the forefront of integrating 3D models to deliver precise geodetic data and services that enhance the construction process for our clients in Estonia. Enhanced Visualization and Planning 3D models enable stakeholders to take virtual tours of their projects before a single stone is laid. This immersive

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