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Siim Riisenberg

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Meat industry, poultry production, farm animals, the Food Industry, plant cultivation, e-shop, Cattle farming, Chicken farming, For sale, History of notifications

Sustainable farming: how we care for land and livestock

Sustainable agriculture is a method of farming that focuses on producing food, fiber, and other plant or animal products in a way that is healthy for the environment, humane for livestock, and viable for farmers. It encompasses a range of practices designed to protect the earth's resources, promote ecological balance, and support economic viability for farms and communities. With the growing concern over environmental degradation, climate change, and food security, sustainable farming has become more than just a trend; it's a necessity. It ensures that we can produce enough food to meet


kõik artiklid

Why free-range eggs matter: health and ethics

Free-range eggs are produced by hens that have access to the outdoors, allowing them natural behaviors such as foraging, pecking, and roaming. The standards for
Free-range eggs are produced by hens that have access to the outdoors, allowing them natural behaviors such as foraging, pecking, and roaming. The standards for what constitutes 'free-range' can vary, but the core principle is providing a more natural and humane environment for the hens. Unlike battery-caged or cage-free systems, free-range hens are not confined to small spaces. This contrasts starkly with industrial egg production where hens are often kept in restrictive conditions, impacting their health and the quality of the eggs they produce. The Health Benefits of Free-Range Eggs

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