- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 38,290
- Töötajaid:
- 248
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 46,455,884 €
Kestvad, säästlikud ja nutikad lahendused!
audit of construction works
construction research
construction work
construction of roads
road construction
maintenance of public roads
expert assessment of building design documentation
construction of gas installation
making of traffic management projects
pressure equipment works
construction of roads and bridges
tea care
environmental construction
mining of mineral resources
traffic management
road project management
project management of bridges
production and installation of asphalt
construction equipment rental
car wash service
repair work
the warehouse
noise barrier walls
development of infrastructure
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 31,530
- Töötajaid:
- 136
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 123,871,858 €
Loome terviklikku elukeskkonda!
construction research
construction firm
construction work
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
building construction firms
geodesic services
shadow production process
maidla production
investing services
heritage conservation
fire safety
maintenance of public roads
expert assessment of building design documentation
inspection and maintenance
making of traffic management projects
rental workforce mediation
design, construction and maintenance of fire safety
apartment buildings
contact information
health trail
row houses
commercial premises
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 16,110
- Töötajaid:
- 33
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 32,682,997 €
Ehitus, mis loob tuleviku!
construction research
construction projects
construction firm
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
building construction firms
expert assessment of building design documentation
new buildings
development management
reconstruction projects
construction management
general contractor
large construction projects
challenging reconstruction projects
real estate development
new buildings
follow-up service
building construction works
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 14,620
- Töötajaid:
- 23
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 21,625,432 €
Kvaliteet, Pühendumus, Tipptase - Nordlin Ehitus.
construction and real estate
building construction firms
construction research
construction and real estate services
heritage conservation
design, construction and maintenance of fire safety
planning the construction process
management of construction work
project management method
planning of the construction process
architectural and constructive parts
general government
working and inseneral care
correction development and sale
industrial and engineering engineering
development and sale of apartments
architectural and constructive parts design
construction management
project management
industrial and engineering engineering
building design
design and construction
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 11,410
- Töötajaid:
- 86
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 13,324,705 €
Kindel partner torustike rajamisel ja hooldusel!
construction research
pipework construction
road construction
road construction
maintenance of public roads
expert assessment of building design documentation
owner supervision
pressure washing and transport
water service in saue rural municipality
rinsing and disinfection of drinking water piping
water pipelines
sewer pipes
rainwater pipelines
joining points
geodetic measurements
coordination of the project
application for building permits
construction and repair of internal water and sewerage pipelines
construction of connection points
construction of mains pipelines and renovation eggs
detection and elimination of leaks
emergency work of water and sewerage pipelines
road construction (base construction, stonework, asphalting) and renovation
establishment of sites and car parks
road cover restoration work
completion of asphalt work in summer and winter with preparation
establishment of landscaping
building owner supervision (pipes, apartment buildings, educational buildings, etc.)
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 9,950
- Töötajaid:
- 12
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 22,693,282 €
Nr. 1 korterelamute rekonstrueerija Eestis!
site construction
design and construction work with site construction
construction firm
construction work
reconstruction of apartment buildings
development projects
product development
real estate development projects
construction project management
building design services
building services estonia
real estate development estonia
apartment building reconstruction
penthouses design
product development in construction
residential design and development
community building renovation
real estate project planning
real estate innovation
urban development projects
development of roof floors
preliminary work
design and construction
final formulation
design and construction work with wooden element
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 7,650
- Töötajaid:
- 46
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 3,978,956 €
Kiilvaivundamentide ja energiatõhusate hoonete ehitamine
construction and real estate
audit of construction works
construction research
heritage conservation
expert assessment of building design documentation
energy efficient buildings
cuneiform implants
study plans and studies
operating and maintenance plans
heritage monitoring
general construction restoration works
finishing works
main contract for restoration
general contracting of construction works
construction and assembly works
soil and maintenance works
cuneiform foundation projects
projects for earthworks
projects for r/b structures
projects for energy efficient buildings
project manager
building construction works
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 7,270
- Töötajaid:
- 52
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 2,969,281 €
Kaardistame teie visiooni reaalsuseks!
construction research
building geological research
topo-geodetic survey
construction research services
building geological research estonia
geodetic research
construction geodesy
geodetic works
geodetic layout plan
as-built measurement
mobile laserscanning
permit of use, utility networks
3d modelling
construction geodesy solutions
geodetic works estonia
geodetic layout plan services
as-built measurement services
topo-geodetic survey companies
laserscanning technology
mobile laserscanning services
utility networks permit of use
3d modelling for construction
engineering bureau geotechnical services
infrastructure bim data production
gis software solutions
construction geodetics
geodetic studies
catastral surveying
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 7,020
- Töötajaid:
- 36
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 8,278,461 €
Ehitame teid, teerajatisi, teeme teehoiutöid
road construction
construction research
road construction
road construction
construction and real estate
energy and mineral resources
mineral resources and natural resources
road and bridge construction
maintenance of public roads
audit of construction works
expert assessment of building design documentation
asphalting work services
soil excavation work
bridge construction
sports ground construction
maintenance of roads
tunnel construction
design and construction
external races
water construction
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 6,600
- Töötajaid:
- 55
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 3,824,360 €
Maa-alane Tarkus, Ohutus ja Jätkusuutlikkus Üheskoos
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 4,910
- Töötajaid:
- 29
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 2,768,561 €
Usaldus on hea, kontroll veelgi parem
audit of construction works
construction research
construction consultation
heritage conservation
fire safety
expert assessment of building design documentation
gas works
making of traffic management projects
design, construction and maintenance of fire safety
owner supervision
design management
project expertise
project management
design of roads and facilities
helping the customer
conformity of construction works with the project
legislation and normative documents
quality and lasting outcome
proper project documentation
standard documents and the source task
professional and professional outcome
general construction-special parts-
bridges, viaducts
expertise on construction projects of roads and civil engineering works
professional assistance to the customer
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 4,740
- Töötajaid:
- 26
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 1,588,813 €
Geodeesia ja maamõõtmine - Geodeesia24
construction research
construction geodesy
topo-geodetic research
geodetic research
construction and real estate
geodetic base plans
building surveying
geodetic measurement work
geodetic works
cadastral surveying
land consolidation
topo-geodetic surveying
geodetic basis plans, topo-geodetic studies
construction geodetic works
measurement of buildings
measurement of performance
post-construction control measurement
land management works
legalisation of buildings
laser scanning
point cloud
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 4,640
- Töötajaid:
- 30
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 2,485,780 €
Elektrivõrkude kindel ühendus!
construction and real estate
construction machinery and tools
research institutions
street lighting construction and maintenance
building and finishing materials
expert assessments
electrical equipment
energy and mineral resources
machinery and tools
measuring equipment and work
state and society
means of communication and supplies
outdoor lighting
general and home services
device work
conformity assessment body
electrical works
connection of equipment
comprehensive technical solutions
electric laboratory
electrical tests
installation of electrical networks
high-safety work
repair and maintenance of substations
integrated solutions
- Krediidiskoor:
- Borderline
- Maineskoor:
- 4,540
- Töötajaid:
- 32
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 1,062,316 €
Meie eesmärgiks on luua infot asukoha ning mõõtmete kohta.
construction and real estate
construction research
construction geodesy
geodetic research
aerospace measurement
forest surveying
volumetric measurements
career surveying
peat bogs
3d scanner
mobile scanner
online environment for drone data
building geological surveys
land consolidation
land measurement
drone surveying
geodetic base plan
cadastral works
construction geodetic indications
engineering solutions
building inventory
building 3d model
gis solutions
geodetic surveying works
technical studies
droon measures
bim modelling
- Krediidiskoor:
- Borderline
- Maineskoor:
- 4,070
- Töötajaid:
- 22
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 1,914,684 €
Parimad lahendused valmivad koostöös
construction and real estate
road and bridge construction
audit of construction works
construction research
architectural offices
architecture design firms
design companies
heritage conservation
fire safety
expert assessment of building design documentation
construction of gas installation
design, construction and maintenance of fire safety
engineering-technical design
- Krediidiskoor:
- Borderline
- Maineskoor:
- 3,660
- Töötajaid:
- 17
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 2,362,896 €
Ettevõte, kus väärtustatakse professionaalsust ja innovaatilisust!
construction and real estate
ventilation work
ventilation work in apartment buildings to be renovated
ventilation surveys and mapping of apartment buildings
ventilation cleaning
ventilation measurement and adjustment
ventilation cleaning
air movement control
video study
plumbing installation
installation of air-sharing elements
creation of ventilation flues
ventilation system regulation
ventilation works of renovated apartment buildings
ventilation measurement and regulation
cleaning work
ventilation work in apartment buildings
all over estonia
technical inspection
price offers
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 3,050
- Töötajaid:
- 4
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 116,514 €
Innovatsiooniga ehitame kindlustunde!
construction research
construction projects
construction research
geodetic research
building materials testing
underground scanning services
underground exploration and mapping
top technology
quality control
testing of building materials
analysis of material
structural studies
compliance checks
quality assurance
identification of utility services
imaging of subsoil
3d mapping
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,990
- Töötajaid:
- 5
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 333,632 €
Partner projekteerijale, planeerijale ja ehitajale!
pollution research
construction geological consultation
construction geological consulting
soil testing for construction
mineral research
pollution studies
drilling work
geological (geotechnical) studies
geotechnical inspection
piling tests (pull-out test)
geotechnical engineering
geotechnical soil investigations
geotechnical drilling services
soil pollution testing
foundation engineering studies
geotechnical site assessment
environmental drilling contractors
geotechnical monitoring
piling test services
subsurface exploration
soil sampling and analysis
groundwater contamination research
drilling work
geological studies
soil surveys
field studies
laboratory tests
on-the-spot investigation
technological drilling
geological drilling
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,940
- Töötajaid:
- 7
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 217,849 €
Täpsus algab meie geodeetilistest lahendustest!
construction research
construction geodesy
geodetic research
measurements of buildings
construction and topogeological works
drone photos
engineering solutions
detailed plans
exercise and control measurements
mark repers
3d visualization
construction geodetic works
markcheider measurements
engineering-technological geodesic works
work related to higher geodesy
drone work
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,940
- Töötajaid:
- 11
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 340,300 €
Geodeetilised lahendused teie projektidele
construction and real estate
construction research
construction geodetic works
geodetic research
topo-geodetic studies
measurements of performance
catastral surveying
aerometer from a drone
building inventory
special consultations
division of registered immovable
border signs
land consolidation works
preparation of land consolidation plan
restoration and celebration of borders in nature